Lose The Game - Contact Us
¿Has perdido El Juego? ¡Anuncialo ahora online e infecta a todos tus amigos!
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Sit back, relax, and whatever you do, don't think about The Game.
Lose The Game
▪ ▪ ▪Send us your comments, questions and suggestions!▪ ▪ ▪
▪ ▪ ▪Send us your friends' contact details and we'll make them lose!▪ ▪ ▪
▪ ▪ ▪Send us your Gaming information for our Gameological research!▪ ▪ ▪
If you want to take part in the upcoming LTG Infection Challenge, just enter your email address here and click 'Participate'. We'll notify you when it launches later this year!

Your email address
Contact us by email at mail@losethegame.com
Send us your friends' email addresses and Twitter usernames and we'll sporadically make them lose The Game!

Email addresses
Please separate them with commas.
Twitter usernames
Please separate them with commas.
Let us know your Gaming information to help our research into its origins and spread

Current location
Where are you now?
Where were you born?
Year of birth
What year were you born?
First loss location
Where did you first lose?
Year of first loss
Which year did you first lose?
Frequency of loss
How often do you lose?
Loss triggers
What makes you lose The Game? Please separate each with commas.
Loss phrase
What's the most common phrase you say when you lose The Game?